11/14/2024 1 min spawn killed him 10 times before ited droped 37.4% luck ,pvp on, Lengendary Luck Trophy.
Third kill and I got Weaver's Pants! Lucky me!
Farming it for a couple of hours now, not ONE named item, beginning to think that smth had changed 🤔
14/01/24 1 hora farmando para dropar
Farming mob Dau-Shen the Unstoppable for Weaver's Pants
42 kills - Weaver's Shirt dropped
0% Luck Gear
Does not drop loot over 630gs.
took about a dozen kills. Respawn still borked instant to 7 minutes
Farmed for 1hr 30mins (no luck boosts). Got 2x Corrupt Sacrifice ; 2x Weavers Pants & 2x Givers Green Gift. 1x Ever Giving took a while longer. Respawn times all over the place, some spawns immediately on kill, some 5-7 mins after.
Been farming this guy for hours, full luck etc, haven't gotten a single named item. Most drops have been green, if he drops anything at all. Respawn timer is still borked.
i drop first kill again 1 month ago like xD
first kill drop xD its must be joke.
full luck/x3major loot luck trophy
yous are bunch of sooks took an hour or 2 with full luck.
but yeah his timer is cooked. anywhere from instant to 5 mins
I just get the weavers pants from this guy, at my first try. I went there alone, just be sure to kill the mobs around him bc they can be too annoying. I got 25.4% of luck on my clothes and jewelry, 7.1% luck on my bags and 2.8% on my hatchet (I killed him from distance to not wake up the nearby mobs) and another 2.8% on my war hammer (Idk if this counts, but just in case). I used imbued hatchet and Darkseers Maul.
Don't waste your time. Buy Weaver's Pants at the trading post. I farmed in a group of 5 of them for over three hours and no one got this pants. I continued alone for another 2 hours, nothing. Resp. 0-6 min.
x4 Tortoise Strike
x1 Corrupt Sacrifice
x1 Ever Giving
x2 Giver's Green Gift
His spawn timer is really all over the board. 20 seconds to ~3minutes
spawn time 6m but sometimes he spawned another time after 30 sec .. confirmed all drop 590 GS
Can confirm, got Giver's Green Gift life staff at 599 gear score whilst farming Weavers Pants
So what you are saying is that it is not possible for this boss to drop 600GS items?
ONLY LVL 63+ Monsters are able to drop legendary items. Even if your watermark is 590 and youre able to drop legendary items still LVL 62 mob cant drop an legendary item for you due to its GS restrictions
I've killed this thing over 100 times. NO drops minus 550 - 520 gs gauntlets. My watermark is 590. I'm going to give up if no one posts proof of drop for the iced gauntlet :(
position: [10111, 8796, 677]. On the bottom of the stairs inside, just above the dirt. SE of the ursus cave where the yellow walls form a circle. You can see outside and see a pillar towards bear icon on the map. The picture above is accurate.
550 gs cap here i believe
Patch 1.0.5 Respawn 360sec after kill
This one does indeed drop the Legendary Variants, however how this works and how it works for all weapons that have Legendary States is that it has to drop at exactly 600GS for it to be Legendary, which means that if your High Watermark for that item is anywhere from 500-589, you will always get an epic version no matter what, since it's impossible to drop a 600 version until reaching the threshold of 590+
Updated to a 1 min respawn confirmed