Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score Zones Requirements Pétroglyphe du sceau Common V — PORTES DE SUTEKH Espadon ? ? ? ? ? Common V 500-600 Enemy Level 1+Content Level 50+ Hachette ? ? ? ? ? Common V 500-600 Enemy Level 1+Content Level 50+ Marteau d'armes ? ? ? ? ? Common V 500-600 Enemy Level 1+Content Level 50+ Arc droit ? ? ? ? ? Common V 500-600 Enemy Level 1+Content Level 50+ Mousquet ? ? ? ? ? Common V 500-600 Enemy Level 1+Content Level 50+ Bâton de feu ? ? ? ? ? Common V 500-600 Enemy Level 1+Content Level 50+ Bâton de vie ? ? ? ? ? Common V 500-600 Enemy Level 1+Content Level 50+ Lance ? ? ? ? ? Common V 500-600 Enemy Level 1+Content Level 50+ Hache double ? ? ? ? ? Common V 500-600 Enemy Level 1+Content Level 50+
This monster this a pain in the 🤬 man it will annoying you so much and damage it done is crazy