4 hours farming, 4 chests, 1 pant, and lot of crap purple, blue and green.
Max Luck 4 Kills -> Chest drop
If you're like me and you luck gear is low lvl. You are able to cheese this by standing on the block (next to the torch) and shooting upward. It's a little tight on the positioning, just put your right heel on the outside corner of the block. Happy Grinding! :)
@Luminaire u can upgrade to 600
i got the chestpiece but in epic not legendary :(
been farming for something like 5 hours at 15% luck + 1 trophy... 4 chest. 0 pants.
4m Respawn (as of Dec22)
90 ish mins and nadda so far
got chestpiece in 4 attempts
Got Greaves in 2 attempts
got graves in 6 attempt, no luck gear. was great to farm
got stormplate in 3 attempts, no luck gear. I'm pretty 🤬ing happy xD
been farming for 4 hours got 3 stormplates but no greaves
I have been farming him for 11 hours now, 8 weighted greaves, no colossal stormplates. The person who said the pants are rarer than the chest are 🤬ing liars.
Nice gear for a fresh 60, unfortunately nothing in 5hrs, what a waste of time for me :(
Got both pants and chest within 30 minutes kek
Killed him about 60 times. Approx 5 hours, got 2 of the greaves but no stormplate
Contrary to TREXI, the Greaves dropped 6 times for me, the Chest piece never dropped in 3 hours (~35 kills). They probably have a similar drop chance though.
3.30 min respawn
Dropped Colossal Stormplate on first kill, Weighted Greaves does not drop as easily.
4 kills for chestplate, low luck