According to NW Buddy, these are on a clampmax table, which means luck provides almost no benefit. Max~ 63% luck increases drop chance from 5% to 5.33%.
At a 5% drop chance, you can expect a drop every 14 kills, about 50% of the time.
24/11/2024 3kill and drop - 0 luck :D
11/14/2024 5 min spawn killed him 5 times, before ited droped 37.4% luck ,pvp on, Lengendary Luck Trophy.
First kill xd
Can confirm 3 min respawn
Edit: Got 2 drops in 3 kills. 0 luck boosts
Im between 80 till 90 kills, no drop with luck ward. i try it another day :)
Farming mob Penny for Weaver's Gloves
3.5 min Respawn Timer
32 kills - Weaver's Gloves dropped.
0% Luck Gear
~3 min spawn timer
3 time kill and drop gloves
full luck set/bag x3 major luck.
04/02/2023 got them after like 100+ kills.
doesnt even drop a bag half the time...
Full luck gear (cloth from winter 617GS all so its 2,9% each) + 3 bags with 2,5% (7.5%) + luck bow+ luck longsword+ shield ( 2,9% each) and 2 minor with 1 basic trophy. 2-nd kill drop. Res time around 2-3 mins but not sure. Christmas 🤬ing miracle...
Weaver's Gloves
Received within two hours. What's funny is I got them on the first try when I got back in place after a break xD
got it after farming for 8 hours, full luck set and bags, full minor trophies, sometimes all you need is patience and persistence.. also farming solo / with party gives you better chance, since other people outside party reduces your watermark loot system / the chances are split.. best to farm at the least crowded hours
For four days I have been trying to knock out these gloves for 2-3 hours and to no avail. Luck is full
dropped on 3rd try, no luck, respawn 3~ minutes
doing it already 2 hours still didnt get the gloves with full luck xDD
50 times, and no gloves :D
Not only am I not getting the gloves, I'm only even getting a bag on 10% of kills. What's the deal here?
what is the drop chance for the gloves? cant seem to get them with max luck. do i have too much luck since its a blue drop?
Respawn time: 3 minutes
Next to Penny is another elite named : Captain Jake Stormcourt which i can't find on NWD.
1/12/2025 - 40 kills dry
1/13/2025 - 16 kills dry
1/14/2025 - 3 kills dry
1/15/2025 - Skipped
1/16/2025 - 15 kills dry
1/17/2025 - 3rd kill, got them!