Dose any one know drop procentage
100 kills in no tanners pants, multiples of the other named items, feelsbadman
After the drop reworks, this Boss now has a really good Bow, comparable to Laz Bow & arguably better ngl.
Ring + Greatsword as well, build basically builds itself with just those 3 items.
5-6 min respawn timer
Woodworker's Hat drops from this boss. just got the drop
Respawn time is 3-4 mins, stand outside the perimeter.
What is the respawn time?
@Amazing User Opulence is the top part up the stairs on the east side of Myrkgard. The priests, including Archmagister Vocus.
@Andyy Pretty sure he doesn't drop the weaponsmithing shirt. It says that the shirt can be found in Opulence. Not sure where that is.
Does this guy actually drop the weaponsmithing shirt?
nobody on my server has seen it and we've been farming it for days
Has this been confirmed as working?
3 min respawn timer.
Confirmed drops for:
Shamanic Robes of the Archmage
Weaponsmith Pants
Tanner Pants