Takes 6 minutes to spawn 10/18/24
Does not drop loot over 630gs.
Luck has little affect on the odds of the Corrupted Totem. Luck has no affect on whether you get a drop or not.
W/o Luck: 0.5%
W/Max Luck: ~0.53%
Got 2 totems in like 30 mins, use luck; sometimes it works how it is suppose to.
Edit: 3rd one 4 hours in.
Yes luck does affect. (especially for named items and trophy mats)
Regular respawn time 6min.
Decreasing the respawn time is just stupid, cuz you get less drops!!
Totem is worth about 35 - 55k (edit : now it's worth like 60-90k)
Farmed him for about 100+ hours and got 1 totem so far.
Best spot for farming Ori!
How to decrease Daehi's respawn time (to 2min): https://youtu.be/aO8O8tmlz8o
Stefance stinky
6 min spawn timer
does luck gear affect the drop rate of the corrupted totem or nah?
My husband got one last night. About 3 hours of farming.
Got 2 totems after a couple hundred kills.
6 minutes respawn timer
confirmed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYEZ8_2S0JA
We got the totem after a few hundred kills ! Server city of brass
Can confirm Treasure of the Pit and Pit Lord Dominator (2 minor and 1 basic loot trophy luck) and Disintegrating Depths (farmed with 3 major and full voidbent) drop for me.
It's droped once that totem for me. But when i want get second one and kill it like 50+ times... None ;) But my friend drop it just randomly when we did fort chest run.
Farmed him for between 50-70 kills with 1 friend and 15 or so of those kills with 2 friends for a total of between 115-155 drops. Two of us with 18 plus luck in addition to whatever 3 basic trophies give(dont know what the third guy had). and didnt see the Corrupted Totem drop once. It's a very low drop rate at the very least, but prob dosent drop from this guy.
any tips on farming watermark?
is it possible for me to drop this sword over 550 gs? , I've been farming this boss for a long time and I still don't get anything on it, my watermark is 600
Farming this guy right now:
- Pit lord dominator 515gs dropped after 5-7 kills, its not a legendary until 600gs, came with Mortal Lifesteal, Vicious and the Cruel IV Gem (12%dmg to crowd controlled enemys), but no Lifestealing perk
- Scaling Powder drops from this guy too
5/6 Minutes respawn.
This site is about one enemie, which is actually two in two different locations:
Pit Lord Daehi (Lv. 61) in Lamentations, Shattered Mountain -> 6 min respwan
You can reduce its respwan time down to two minutes, by leaving the area:
climb up some rocks and walls to leave the area in the north-west.
Corrupted Ravager Florent (Lv. 51) in Ostrog Maul, Great Cleave -> 6 min respwan
You can reduce its respwan time down to two minutes, by leaving the area:
go up the wall which surrounds the area and leave it south, by climbing on some rocks there.
Both of them drop Corrupted Totem Shard and the Corrupted Totem itself.
Since it is the same NPC, none of them has a better drop chance. They are both the same in every way.