I guess I got lucky.. amulet on 1st kill, fire staff on like the 5th
Amulet in about 8-10 kills, took about 25 minutes. Max luck on all equipment/bags/weapons/trophies.
Killed around 40 times in a lapse of 4hrs being kinda on and off. Dropped the fire staff around the 10th kill, and haven't dropped the amulet so far.
Got the amulet after 30 min of farming. Full luck gear, pearls and trophies.
respawn 4 min
that's because she shoots 3 arrows and if you stand close they shotgun.
anyway been farming this 🤬 for 2 weeks about 20-30 a day sometimes more and no ring :(
Dont be in light her crossbow 1 taps :)))
Respawn is 90 seconds.