Taiya gear drops from all Ebonscale Reach named enemies outside of expedition, not Syncretic. Syncretic is Brimstone Sands named enemies in elite areas. It is possible to solo, but it is a blooddrinker lifesteal tank build. I use trenchant recovery war hammer, basically full Keratin, void dark plate, and fire protection set up lifering amulet. (he does more fire damage than anything) 300 con (grit when using heavy) and rest 262 str. Best to get him in a corner to not hop away from you, so you can use lifesteal to heal yourself. you will need 2 stuns to let you heal back up with 1 heavy in between to regain empowerment.
可以把他拉下船,然后偶尔触发他不动的bug,这个bug机制不明确,试了不少次,偶尔 触发
6 minute respawn, no bug like other trophy mat bosses. probably need a group, does NOT drop syncretic stuff
the worst trophy farming in game (impossible to do it solo and 6 minutes respawn, when you want to craft x3 major trophies which is 300 kills without lucky legendary drop like happened to my with LOST trophies)
300 kills= 300x6+300x0.5 ~33 hours of farming
EDIT: somehow in this zone i got 3 crashes in 20 minutes after ALT-TABing
impossible to do it solo if no tank/high con/high vampirism
drops 'taiyi' gear, not syncretic
why remove the other boss by the beach? now it takes forever to farm human idol
Blunderbuss boss, strong AoE dmg
Respawn Time: 6 minutes
I was lucky, I got a human idol when it first dropped, with full gear luck + bow luck and 2 minor loot luck trophy