7 minute respawn timer. Find the stepping stone rocks, the last part before you get to the end island and you can shoot these vulcanytes from the third rock. Look down and to the right, they're in a very weird spot.
srsly? I already did this tedious BS and now I have to do it again?! at least make it for groups ffs. this kind of crap alienates players. devs need to respect gamers time more!
5 on the map and you need to kill 30 for Inferno and hope no one else kills them as they only take 1 hit. - not an ideal quest. But yes they are exploding Jelly on what seems like a 6 minute timer. horrible quest.
@souidi omar, they are the exploding jellyfish like thing, this one is particular is a fire looking type.
anyone knows how these 🤬***rs looks like ?
can't find them