Dropped from Elite Chest in Scorpius Feb25 2023, was able to solo as level 60 tank build (barely). Only able to clear 4 or 5 chests each run, couldn't manage to kill the final room by myself in the two attempts I did. Mostly full luck gear, no luck trophies. Missing probably 2 pieces of luck gear. Either I got extremely lucky or this sheet music has a fairly high drop chance.
Drop yesterday on a crawler in that area, did that area for daily elite chest (3 day farm)
I had a five-man group at Scorpius and we all got the sheet in about a hour and a half.
Got it from S'ylanx the Unseen on 2nd kill
We were a group of five people and farmed there for two hours. None of us received a sheet. Will try again in a few days.