Grand esturgeon

Uncommon Resource Tier III
Weight (lb): 40-77 Size (in): 40-67 Awards 163 XP for Fishing Skill

Un esturgeon de belle taille. À cuisiner ou à préparer en filets. En le recyclant, vous obtiendrez de l'huile de poisson et aurez une chance d'obtenir également des œufs de poisson.

Tier III 1.0 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Types: Aliments crus, Poisson, Aliments crus – palier 3, Esturgeons Derived from Fishing - Freshwater & Saltwater (Windsward, Brightwood, Weaver's Fen, Great Cleave, Mourningdale, Shattered Mountain, Elysian Wilds)
Crafting material Used as crafting material
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WFDarling [Edited]

Hi :)
I am also using the mixed gear fishing set for colossus perks (see desioner's comment), paired with an Ironwood Fishing pole that has:
Freshwater Colossus III
Saltwater Colossus III
Daytime Colossus III
Nighttime Colossus III

A 1 star hotspot net me 7 large sturgeon (no medium). Which pretty much aligns with desioner's 'average per hotspot' in their experiment.
I concur, oyster bait was not worth it (especially when they average 8g each on my server atm), I had 10x oyster bait then just used meat bait.

See if you can spec focus (250 points= 10% increase to caught fish size) with points/jewellery/weapons if your rod is missing a colossus III perk. It may help. -I did not spec any focus for my mini experiment & no luck fishing trophies were used.

EDIT: It's easier catching these after the update that came with Season 2 (2023). Now fishable in fresh & salt water. Oyster bait is now for salt.w, instead of fresh.w, & electric eel bait for fresh water.

I've caught a reasonable amount of large sturgeon from just chilling at WW/Corinth City stream/bridge using the meat bait and colossus set-up above.
-Look into the changes to baits and addition of premium baits if you haven't played in a while.


Have you guys/gals had any luck getting Fish Roe lately. Seems to be broken for me!

desioner [Edited]

After spending the past 4 days intensely fishing for these to collect some proper data on them I've determined the following.

While using the following gear & items to fish for them.

Fierce Fisherman's Hat

Vengeful Fisherman's Smock

Hardy Fisherman's Gloves

Vengeful Fisherman's Pants

Fierce Fisherman's Boots

Ironwood Fishing Pole with the following perks

Freshwater Colossus III

Freshwater Brawn III

Daytime Colossus III

Nighttime Colossus III

All while using Meat Bait which is free to "cook" at any chef's station. I would NOT recommend buying bait such as clam or oyster, but they can be used if you have salvaged them yourself.

99.5% of catches of sturgeon will be large. If you are missing a perk or 2 on the gear for day or night time and or using meat bait then you might get a few medium but almost all should be large.

I only fished in 2 star “rare” hotspots. If the spot was already being fished I skipped it. Each hot spot has 20 catches if you do not let any get away. I fished for a day till I got about 100 give or take a few. Over four days I fished 59 hotspots all by myself catching 1180 fish/chests. Of those 415 were large sturgeon and 15 were medium sturgeon.

Each hotspot takes about 15 min to complete and about 30 to respawn. They can easily be run infinitely if uncontested. For a total of 14 hours and 45 min. Average of about 3.5 hours a day to catch 100 fish. The lowest amount was 3 and the highest was 11 but the average per hotspot was 6.85. The chance to catch a large sturgeon was 34.25%.

I salvaged them in the 100 batches that they were caught each day. The first batch gave 39 roe, the second batch gave only 20 (the lowest), the third batch gave 56 (the highest & outlier), the forth gave 28 roe. For a total of 143 roe making the chance to get roe from a large sturgeon about 29%.

Prepared with a full chef set & 3 major cooking crafting trophies one can easily double the amount of fish sauce made and then again double the amount of meals as well. Really making extreme profits from just a few base resources.

No more comments ^^

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