Common Consumable Tier IV
This item might not be obtainable

Removes Effects Categories: Family
Grants Effects
Protection anti-dévoyés IV Confère une protection importante contre les dégâts infligés par les dévoyés. Confère une récupération de santé lente. Confère 4 points de forme supplémentaires. Effect ID: FoodLostT4 Duration: 35m Categories: Family Fortify FoodUtility Food Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1 Modifiers
  • Increases damage absorption from Wraith enemies by 20%
Rassasié Vous récupérez 1 % de votre santé max toutes les 2,5 s. Effect ID: FoodRecoveryT4 Duration: 35m Categories: Recovery PassiveFoodRegen FoodUtility Food Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1 Modifiers
  • Restores 1% health every 2s
Tier IV 0.3 Weight Max Stack: 100 Requirement: Level 40 Crafted at Cuisine IV
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.

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