Trophée de combat ultime

Legendary Housing Item Tier V

+5 % de dégâts aux Anciens, ennemis de la Terre enragée, monstres, altérés, dévoyés et humains. Un trophée qui vous inspirera lorsque vous affronterez certains ennemis. Ne fonctionne qu'à la condition d'être placé dans votre foyer.

Grants Effects
HousingDmg_AllCombatT3 Effect ID: HousingDmg_AllCombatT3 Categories: NonDispellableEmpower Max Stack: Stacks 3 times 3 Modifiers
  • Grants 5% bonus damage when fighting Corrupted enemies
  • Grants 5% bonus damage when fighting Beast enemies
  • Grants 5% bonus damage when fighting Ancient enemies
  • Grants 5% bonus damage when fighting Lost enemies
  • Grants 5% bonus damage when fighting Angry Earth enemies
  • Grants 5% bonus damage when fighting Human enemies
Housing Points (WIP)
PointModifier: 0 RankingPoints: 0.2 MaxPotentialPoints: 0.2 RankingPointsDuplicateLimit: 1 RankingPointsNegativeLimit: 2
Bind On Pickup Tier V 1.0 Weight
Can be crafted Can be crafted
Gives 1
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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should be 6% bonus damage if they want that much money for it


These just need to be 50k faction tokens, it's just a convenience item and for the amount of times we've had housing glitches after patch and Noone can change trophies for different mutations

Ereshkigal Kur

The "Component: Ultimate Combat Trophy" is at the faction vendor; it doesn't drop from trash, it's something you have to make.


pickup trash XDD

zelenin Rare

> Не неси хуйни индеец, только свиток пикапный ,сам трофей будет эквипный.

it will be "bind on pickup"

Владислав Скирдин

Не неси хуйни индеец, только свиток пикапный ,сам трофей будет эквипный.

Mert Yıldırım

carefull guys ! its pick up if u craft this and want sell, can t sell.

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