PointModifier: 0
RankingPoints: 0.16
MaxPotentialPoints: 0.16
RankingPointsDuplicateLimit: 1
RankingPointsNegativeLimit: 2
Of course you did Mustard lol
@llMustardll that wasn't very smart
bought one for 850k on Maramma
Has anyone looted one of these after Season 1?
Sold for 950k on lilith
Bought it for 55k on Abaton LMAO
Sold in /trade 350k in Maramma
450k in barri eu
Sold for 700k in El Dorado
1,3 Mil on Aaru
selling on Kronos 450k
I'm selling on Devaloka (South America)
selling on lilith 500k
got it from season pass
I have one of these goldfish for auction on Barri, c/o 700k b/o 1.5mill. Auction finishes fri13th 10pm server
Does luck affect the drop of this item? I've run Palace every day for age and nothing, not even a vase :'(
Video of the bowl:
Picture of the bowl:
Is this in the Ebonscale only version of the same loot pool as the Scroll Case Schematic? Cause I've never seen this one either. Man would I love to have a collection of goldfish though.
most efficient way to farm! i've sold 2 already ;)