Dropped from Lost Berserker after about 20 minutes farming, Luck on everything except weapons, and 3 major loot luck trophies.
Edit: Got a 2nd one , after 20 more minutes.
Been farming pages for hours, several days, with another person. Only gotten Drums and Bass Page 2. :(
Got it after farming for 3 hours. no luck gear
How much luck do you guys have on when farming?
I farmed for 6hrs yesterday and got the guitar p2
Been farming for about 2 hours now, no drop. Gotten 3 music sheets from Harekeeper but none were young king stanley
Can anyone comfirm drop? 5hr farm so far..
Obtained from chest in Arclight Cavern first run. Roughly 33% luck gear, 1 minor loot luck trophy, pvp flagged. 3/26/23