Chausses infernales

Legendary • Named Light Legwear Tier V
Item Gear Score
119.9 Armor Rating - Elemental 119.9 Armor Rating - Physical

Impossible de savoir à quoi ressemblaient ces chausses avant d'être carbonisées.

Bind On Pickup Named Item Tier V 2.0 Weight 750 Durability
Gives 3.00
and 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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Radu Adrian Puiu

So, I've grinded for almost 2 hrs. In this period of time Aertsan drop 4 pieces of Tortuous and Turenne dropped the Leggings. I`ve done 2 levels on my rapier from 15 to 17 just by killing those 2 and the mobs on the road. They are now 590 items level so to become legendary you must make them to 600. Best of luck!


Dropped off a trash mob in Castrum Inferus


Just got it from Turenne within 30 minutes.

...Admittedly, I had originally tried over a month ago for about an hour before giving up and farming Regular Pants instead. Came back because named and decent INT gear is rare. 😅


Finally got them after grinding Turenne and Aertsan. Don't give up, took like 2 hrs. Just put a show on or anime in the background lmao


It does drop from both low level named mobs.

Jakub Jakubec [Edited]

i grinded Aretsan/Turene for 4hrs and i´ve got 7x epic version of hellish leggins 2x epic Tortuos infernos. I don´t think they are droping here anymore too..

ha, they become legendary at 600gs..


I farmed Aretsan/Turene for 9hrs straight and had nothing but the VG drop, but my very first try of Aquilifer Scale I got the legs to drop.

I firmly believe that Aret/Tur no longer drop the Hell pants and that only the Brimstone boss does.


Randomly dropped in Castrum Inferos from some elite mob

M Z [Edited]

Dropped from Turenne in Everfall after 40-45 kills, took over 2 hours

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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