Cuisse de dindon massive

Legendary Consumable Tier V
Attribution Turkey Terror 2022

La cuisse d'un dindon aussi monstrueux que meurtrier. Sa saveur exquise a sûrement été amplifiée par la taille et la rage de l'oiseau dont elle provient. Utilisez-la pour cuisiner un dîner au dindon monstrueux rôti !

Grants Effects
Récupération Régénère 20 points de santé par seconde pendant 10 secondes. La récupération sera interrompue si vous subissez des dégâts. Effect ID: EatRawFood Duration: 10s Categories: FoodInitialRecovery Food Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1 Modifiers
  • Restores 20 health every 1s
Tier V 0.2 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Types: Viande – palier 5, Viandes crues, Aliments crus, Aliments crus – palier 5
Crafting material Used as crafting material
Acquisition Source


Drop Quantity Limit: 5

Time Between Drops: 0

Limit Expiration: 1d

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Андрей Смирнов

already almost one year since event. where do people still take this legs and make dinners? is it even posssible that somebody store it for year?

Hermione [Edited]

i managed to get 6 as of now. Some are reporting 10 max in my server


You can drop it 5 times only per day !


Already added? Great work!

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