Costume de Thorpe

Common Consumable
This item might not be obtainable Attribution Nightveil Hallow 2023

Enfilez ce costume et rendez-vous aux paniers de friandises de votre colonie locale, ou portez-le simplement pour vous amuser.

Removes Effects Categories: MeshOverrides
Grants Effects
MeshChange_Active Effect ID: MeshChange_Active Duration: 30m Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1
Costume de Thorpe Visitez les paniers de friandises tout en portant ce costume pour des bonbons. Effect ID: MeshChange_Thorpe Duration: 30m Categories: MeshOverrides Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1
Bind On Pickup 0.3 Weight Max Stack: 100 Cooldown: 5s CostumeChange
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.

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JakeL Rare

3 per day.


is there a daily limit on how many of these you can drop?

JakeL Rare

These are gathered by killing Baalphazu.

No more comments ^^
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