
Epic Resource
Use this resource when crafting to get the following effect:

Matériau de fabrication doté d'une certaine affinité avec l'atout « Santé ». Peut servir lors de la fabrication d'armures.

0.1 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Type: Modificateurs de fabrication
PvP Reward

Item can appear randomly on the PvP Rewards Track, on the following checkpoints:

Checkpoint 2
30,000 Azoth Salt
Requirement PvP Track Level 20
Requirement PvP Track Level 22
Requirement PvP Track Level 26
Requirement PvP Track Level 28
Requirement PvP Track Level 30
Requirement PvP Track Level 32
Requirement PvP Track Level 36
Requirement PvP Track Level 38
Requirement PvP Track Level 40
Requirement PvP Track Level 42
Requirement PvP Track Level 46
Requirement PvP Track Level 48
Requirement PvP Track Level 50
Requirement PvP Track Level 52
Requirement PvP Track Level 56
Requirement PvP Track Level 58
Requirement PvP Track Level 60
Requirement PvP Track Level 62
Requirement PvP Track Level 66
Requirement PvP Track Level 68
Requirement PvP Track Level 70
Requirement PvP Track Level 72
Requirement PvP Track Level 76
Requirement PvP Track Level 78
Requirement PvP Track Level 80
Requirement PvP Track Level 82
Requirement PvP Track Level 86
Requirement PvP Track Level 88
Requirement PvP Track Level 90
Requirement PvP Track Level 92
Requirement PvP Track Level 96
Requirement PvP Track Level 98
Requirement PvP Track Level 100
Requirement PvP Track Level 102
Requirement PvP Track Level 106
Requirement PvP Track Level 108
Requirement PvP Track Level 110
Requirement PvP Track Level 112
Requirement PvP Track Level 116
Requirement PvP Track Level 118
Requirement PvP Track Level 120
Requirement PvP Track Level 122
Requirement PvP Track Level 126
Requirement PvP Track Level 128
Requirement PvP Track Level 130
Requirement PvP Track Level 132
Requirement PvP Track Level 136
Requirement PvP Track Level 138
Requirement PvP Track Level 140
Requirement PvP Track Level 142
Requirement PvP Track Level 146
Requirement PvP Track Level 148
Requirement PvP Track Level 150
Requirement PvP Track Level 152
Requirement PvP Track Level 156
Requirement PvP Track Level 158
Requirement PvP Track Level 160
Requirement PvP Track Level 162
Requirement PvP Track Level 166
Requirement PvP Track Level 168
Requirement PvP Track Level 170
Requirement PvP Track Level 172
Requirement PvP Track Level 176
Requirement PvP Track Level 178
Requirement PvP Track Level 180
Requirement PvP Track Level 182
Requirement PvP Track Level 186
Requirement PvP Track Level 188
Requirement PvP Track Level 190
Requirement PvP Track Level 192
Requirement PvP Track Level 196
Requirement PvP Track Level 198
Checkpoint 2
30,000 Azoth Salt
Requirement PvP Track Level 200+
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Amazing User

I like to try new build and gear combos but stopped playing seriously cause it feels too much like a full time job to be able to do what I enjoy more than once every 6 months or so....they need to unfk the drop rates for this kind of stuff,,, find some other way to gold sink the pvp/map owners and leave the rest of us out of it....

elvis castro

is so stupid and trolling that the developers still didn't make this a common drop when is a common needed perk, for stupid thing like this the ppl get bored and stop playing


Just another unlucky player leaving my comment, zero luck finding even one doing PVP tracks, chests, and cannot afford grinding aptitude chests.

Vain Noir

Luckily Health, Critical Retribution and Refreshing have the highest % chance to roll when crafting armor though. I get Health as the 3rd perk all the time when crafting.


doing chest runs with 3 characters at Wayward Mounds for 3 day now, i believe that makes 10x3 chest runs per day every run contains 33 cache for 3 days and that makes around 2900-3000 cache, 0 adamant. I guess this is what they call "rng", some people will get constantly and others either not get it at all or have to spend ridiculous amount of time on it.


Got one at "Fungal Ridge" in Elysian Wilds:


Very easy drop on chest runs within Season 4 patch.

robotIZE [Edited]

Got 1 from Supply Crate in Zurvan chest run on beach.


very easy drop from castrum recomend it

Christian Chuck Garcia [Edited]

I got 1 adamant in Reekwater, the small coffers in Pools. I did it solo by accessing the back vines door near the eternal pool trial area, hugging the wall to not agro any mobs.

Edit: I only have 3 major loot luck trophies, and 3 bags with luck, that's it.

Amazing User [Edited]

Have been doing chest runs too and zippo no adamant or enchanted ward craftmod item. I even did non chest runs all supply chest in Everfall and all supply chest in Great Cleave barring two. Either the drop rate is super stupid low or it's not actually in the loot tables yet. These two craftmods are far too damned hard to acquire and far too expensive to buy for what they do, it's pure nonsense.

EDIT: well I see some people have had them drop from chest so just another stupid low chance or one of those items like trophy mats where the same people get them over n over and others never do even playing 6month+ full stop.


So, Im doing chest runs since yesterday, with and without luck. With luck I see a little bit more weapon craftmod, but nothing of this one or enchanted ward craft mod to be seen. Maybe this arent added yet?


121 and no pvp track drops. drop rate from crates better be half decent


109 lvl first time


gotten 1 drop of this in 76 pvp tracks, drop rate is terrible


Glad they’re going to make this more accessible next season


Drops on the pvp track from lv 20


Best way to level up armoring in order to get aptitude crates?

Amazing User [Edited]

21k on Nysa 09/11/2023
31k on Nysa 06/11/2023
40k on Nysa 30/10/2023

Андрей Смирнов

Why is this mode costs that much? I m confused a bit, please explain me logics:) as I understand PvP guys prefer it to craft 700gs armor, right? Why not to add shirking heals idk.

Cause expeditions peeps I guess use "type of DMG" conditioning

Bmazing User

AGS is stupid, why they make the most commonly used perk mode hardest to get? This is the most silly and boring way to rise the crafting cost.

crank05 [Edited]

15k on aaru 01-12-23

35k on aaru 07-11-23

50k on aaru 23-10-23

William Wyn

I've only had 1 show on my PvP track so far. Not even going to bother farming crates. Rather wait for the price to come down over time.


Adamant is 58,000 GOLD A PIECE on Valhalla. WHY WHY WHY is this only obtainable from a aptitude chest or PVP? Come on AGS...

Xyo Admin

@Pedro Mejia it shows the PvP Reward panel next to the item panel. It can show up randomly on the PvP reward track, but, don't expect to see it much.

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Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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