Anneau d'altération envahissante

Legendary • Named Ring Jewelry Tier V
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

En portant cet anneau, vous sentez l'altération vous envahir.

Bind On Pickup Named Item Tier V 0.1 Weight 750 Durability Requirement: Level 61
Gives 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
Invasion Drop (?)

Our data suggests that this item drops from invasions, but we don't have enough data to be 100% certain.

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Dropped 20.12.24 and yes its upgradable. 2nd invasion ever...

Max Moon

Dropped today ( 30.11.24 ) from Epic invasion crate

Amazing User

Can confirm this ring is still dropping as of 6/11/2024. Agreed it's not worth farming though. You'll make enough money to craft a ring just like it from invasion payouts before you drop it, unless you get pretty lucky.

M Z [Edited]

"confirmed drop invasion cache bissy ring just slap invigorated punishment on this bad boy"
invigorated punishment do not give bonuses to fire staff skills. It is up from champion ring nerf and was never updated in any way :|
But ironically it gives bonuses to any other skill, including ice gauntlet ones

Also, this ring is crazy rare. I do not suggest to even try to farm it. I did not get it from 52 caches (52x up to 50 mins of playing..)


confirmed drop invasion cache bissy ring just slap invigorated punishment on this bad boy


has anyone gottin this?


is this upgradable?

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