Le fardeau du joyau de cœur : partition pour guitare 1/1

Common Resource Tier I

Partition du « Fardeau du joyau de cœur » pour guitare. Peut être apprise ou apportée à un poste d'ingénierie, où son étude permettra d'obtenir de l'EXP supplémentaire en compétence de métier.

Tier I Max Stack: 100 Ingredient Type: Partitions
Crafting material Used as crafting material
Gives 1
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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Squid [Edited]

Worth noting that most mobs listed under "Dropped By" don't exist within Amrine. Additionally, mobs such as Moonshadow Enforcer must be level 18-20 to drop it. There is only one Enforcer in this level range (on the north-south path, sitting down)—the dozens of other ones across Amrine are level 15-17.

Basically, to farm this, you just loot all the containers once an hour and sit at Kar-El spawn. You can also run back and forth to kill Kisare if you feel like it, but he's on a longer timer.

rendin0 [Edited]

I am looting chests every hour, killing Kar-El the Gate Keeper non-stop for at least 10 hours. Got 1250kg of 350gs named items, about 100 random music sheets and zero Heartgem's Burden.
8.3% luck


22h spent with no result


i have 2 for sale if youre on Pisces AP Southeast

ciknay Uncommon

Got it after about 6 hours of farming. It dropped from one of the guards next to the Taskmaster. Had 7.5% increased luck. 3 luck trophies, and 1 bag with luck. In my experience sub 10% luck is best for farming sheets. Too much luck pushes your loot into rarer categories.

Uncle Eddy [Edited]

Farmed by going between Kisare the Taskmaster and Kar-El the Gate Keeper. Using both luck gear and non-luck.

Using luck gear is not the way to get this. There is a significant drop in music sheets if you do so. With 4.6% luck from bags + PVP flagged on my current set, I got it to drop from Kisare 20 minutes after switching back to non-luck.

coochiebus [Edited]

Farmed Amrine Temple for 5-15 hours estimated then I started tracking my runs. 8 hours 40 minutes & 35 chest runs I got it from an urn. 31.55% luck gear after including gems, 1 minor luck trophy, pvp flagged, daytime ingame, 8:20pm server time. March 3rd 2023. Glad to be done with it.

-Obtained second copy from Heartforge Guardian on run 37 at 9h10m total farm time. Same luck as above, night time in game. 3:05pm 3/12/23

-Obtained third copy from Moonshadow Enforcer on run 55 at 12h47m tracked farm time. Same luck as previous 2, daytime ingame, 12:00pm server time 3/26/23

-Obtained fourth copy from Moonshadow Enforcer(?) on run 68 (14h36m tracked farming) 32.4% gear luck + 1 major loot luck trophy + pvp flagged. 12:30pm server time 4/17/23

Dyrosusbros [Edited]

in 9 Hours (0 Luck), 18 Other Unique Music Sheets(not including duplicates), 412 Life Mote, 191 Rabbits, got off defeated. Hopped back on little later and within 10 minutes, it dropped from a Sentinel on the path running through the POI.


@John Sauder wise choice... ive been farming it for atleast 5 weeks now :')

cerelanum [Edited]

I got it after 8 hours. I completely discarded my luck equipment. Kar El dropped it. Server Aaru

John Sauder

Bought it for 55k because 🤬 it, I don't want to end up like that guy farming it for months

Also seen that seller of this sheet got 2 others lmao


dropped in my second clear of amrine temple from a chest


Dropped after 5 mins killing Moonshadow sentinel but in my server (Crassus) nobody wants it. LOL

Jay Jet

1-7-2023 11:57am, full luck armor, pvp flagged, ingame night time, gotten from "Moonshadow Archer" along the farm route after about 3 hours of farming


@Garh1993 Some mobs such as the Ancient Guardian Reaver are also known as Moonshadow Reaver.

Garh1993 [Edited]

If you actually read through the mobs that drop it there are only 2 in the list that actually spawn within the Amrine Temple area. Which are Kar-El the Gatekeeper, and Moonshadow Defenders (crawling guys). None of other Moonshadow mobs are on the list. Nor does anything else on the list spawn within the zone. Other than that the chests in the area can drop it. I got it from a defender after about an hour of running a loop around the stairs and only farming the defenders and Kar-el

Johnny Boy [Edited]

Found in an ancien coffer in the Amrine Temple area, after a few hours of farming.

Matt [Edited]

EDIT: Remove all luck gear before looking for this sheet. Otherwise you most probably won't get it. See edit at bottom with link to NW forums.

Original post:

This is getting ridiculous. Are we sure this thing still drops? I spent about an hour killing stuff in the Amrine Temple area, then realized I might as well skill some alternate weapons while slaughtering the low-level mobs. Several hours later I have done:

Musket 18 -> 20
Blunderbuss 2 -> 20
Greatsword 1 -> 16

Only hanging in Amrine Temple. I have gotten all the legendary/epic drops from Kar-El The Gate Keeper multiple times. But I have not seen this music sheet once.


Even more hours later:

Greatsword: 16 -> 20
Spear: 1 -> 20
Ice Gauntlet: 1 -> 20
Fire Staff: 1 -> 12

Still no sheet.

After patch 1.8.1:

Fire Staff: 12 -> 20
Sword: 6 -> 20

No sheet.

Quick estimate. Counting the weapon skill gained for all weapons listed above, that's 618 800 weapon skill gained. I've been running randomly killing everything in Amrine Temple, even if I have spent more time near Kar-El the Gatekeeper.

The lowest level Moonshadow Defenders give 13 weapon skill.
Level 17 other skeletons give just below 30 weapon skill.
Larger and named spawns in the area give up to 68 weapon skill.

Let's average that each kill have given 35 weapon skill, to be generous. That means I have killed about 17 700 creatures in Amrine Temple without getting the sheet once. And that's disregarding all the chests I've opened.

What even.

FINALLY got it. But only after removing my four gear pieces that gave me Luck (increased % to get more rare items), including bags.

Bow 1 -> 17.5, with no luck gear and got one sheet.



U need to have no luck right? since it is white tier 1?

Steven Yeager

I Got one From a Moonshadow Deffender within an hour running back and fourth between Kar-El and the Kisare the Taskmaster

Vins. [Edited]

dropped from a random moonshadow sentinel in 10 minutes of killing mobs there, made 100k with this thanks to a buy order :P

D Stone

Got it literally 6 kills in off a skeleton.

Amazing User

Took me two days and in total around 8-10 hours to get it. First I was running the whole circle, first loot chests, then kill mobs. Then I transitioned into running between Kar-El and the Kisare the Taskmaster (skeleton with a shield, guarding a chest with two little "ordinary" skeletons). At the time of the drop, I was running full luck armor/weapons/minor trophies and 3 bags (but honestly I have not much faith in luck system, usually running with no luck at all and getting things too) On top of getting the Heartgem Burden (which dropped from Kar-El in the end) I got like 5 sheets of Fellows of Windsward in the process, that couple of them sold 10k+. So that was a nice surprise once I checked the market.

BTW, cruising around xping your weapons that you dont have lvl 20 yet kind of works :D lvled ice gaunt and fire staff from lvl 1 to 16 both.

Good luck you all.

shatiel [Edited]

Pain in the 🤬 to farm. Spent like 3 weeks with at least 30min daily there to farm it (did a music farming route MB Alioth, EF Canary Mine, WW Amrine, RW Rabbit Island...) Got it from random Moonshadow Defender in the end. But now it is twice interesting to farm it, as you can also drop the Fellows of Windsward music sheets there, which are atm also quite valuable. I am on full luck gear (Luck + Pristine Pearl, but only Minor Luck Loot Trophy).


Got it from farming Kar-El the Gate Keeper (and the mobs around him) for around 8 hours, I think I got it from one of the trash mobs around him though, the "Moonshadow Defender", so make sure you kill mobs in the area while farming the boss.

Amazing User [Edited]

I actually think the drop rate is closer to what The_Jord experienced. Im over 15hrs myself and haven't gotten it, and many of the people I spoke with who have had it drop have spent 10-20+ hours of mob/chest grinding.

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Name Level Family Zones Requirements
POI Level 1+
POI Level 1+
16 - 39
POI Level 1+
17 - 63
POI Level 1+
POI Level 1+
POI Level 1+
14 - 17
POI Level 1+
15 - 63
POI Level 1+
14 - 15
POI Level 1+
14 - 17
POI Level 1+

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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