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Side Story

Felix Livius vous défie de « lutter » contre un ours juste pour le frisson que cela procure.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
800 XP 23.50 Coin 1,000 Territory Standing 25 Azoth
Must complete one of the following quests
Le début d'un long chemin
Le renouveau d'un Ordre
Completion needed for the quests below
Le droit de se vanter
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Nauwell [Edited]

Yes, but found him at last more south of the quest marker.

If you search for Grizzlemaw in nwdb.info (https://nwdb.info/db/creature/bear_grizzly_16) you'll get the right spot Grizzlemaw spawns.


anyone else have problems finding grizzlemaw?

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