Repos mérité

Main Story

Allez à l'auberge et demandez une chambre à l'aubergiste Verildis Jannsen. Tombez sur une vieille connaissance à l'auberge.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
1,200 XP 9.25 Coin 250 Territory Standing
Must complete the quest below
Du festin à la famine
Completion needed for the quests below
L'argent est roi
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- Check in with the Innkeep at the Southern Breeze Inn

You will find the Inn on the opposite of the Tavern.

To check in talk to the innkeeper (moon symbol above the head).
Checking inn does not costs any money and will give you a location to teleport your self always back to.

The Recall how the teleport back is named can be accessed in two ways:
- Open the world map and click on the city marked with the little moon symbol abd select Recall to Inn
- hit ESC, click on the Turn on/off-symbol in the right upper corner and select Recall (great option when your are lazy and/or forgot which one your Inn is)

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