Pierre Auguste aimerait de nouveaux récits d'Aeternum, mais il a trop peur pour voyager lui-même. Écrivez un recueil d'odes aux paysages décrits dans le guide de Pierre.
1. Step, Mourningdale - South-east of Karaka / North-east of Marsic
There is a quest-point on top of a little hill, marked by a pillar of blue light, you have to interact with. It only appears if you walk closer.
2. Step, Mourningdale - Fomax (LVL 47)
Defeat Tenebrous Guardian. The Guardian is all the way on top of the building.
After you killed the Tenebrous Guardian an other quest-point appears where your enemie stood. Since the interaction takes a while make sure you killed all enemies who could you interrupt.
Step 3, Mourningdale - Haedus (LVL 48)
Defeat Tenebrous Guardian. The Guardian is in the center of the area.
After you killed the Tenebrous Guardian an other quest-point appears where your enemie stood. Since the interaction takes a while make sure you killed all enemies who could you interrupt.
Step 4, Mourningdale - Mourning Bridge (LVL 49)
There is a quest-point in the middle of the bridge.
Watch out for the LVL 49, nnamed enemie, Bridgekeeper, guarding his Ancient Chest.
This quest has mutltiple steps:
1. Step, Mourningdale - South-east of Karaka / North-east of Marsic
There is a quest-point on top of a little hill, marked by a pillar of blue light, you have to interact with. It only appears if you walk closer.
2. Step, Mourningdale - Fomax (LVL 47)
Defeat Tenebrous Guardian. The Guardian is all the way on top of the building.
After you killed the Tenebrous Guardian an other quest-point appears where your enemie stood. Since the interaction takes a while make sure you killed all enemies who could you interrupt.
Step 3, Mourningdale - Haedus (LVL 48)
Defeat Tenebrous Guardian. The Guardian is in the center of the area.
After you killed the Tenebrous Guardian an other quest-point appears where your enemie stood. Since the interaction takes a while make sure you killed all enemies who could you interrupt.
Step 4, Mourningdale - Mourning Bridge (LVL 49)
There is a quest-point in the middle of the bridge.
Watch out for the LVL 49, nnamed enemie, Bridgekeeper, guarding his Ancient Chest.