L'héritage du maître de forge

Main Story Suggested Level 23

Explorez les ruines anciennes de Vulcanus en quête de matériaux pour fabriquer la traverse de votre bâton d'Azoth.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
4,000 XP 79.50 Coin 100 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
L'outil d'un Protecteur des âmes
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Yonas Alazar sends us into the Ruins of Vulcan us to craft our Crosspiece.

First we need to find 5 pieces of unearthed silver from the rubbles.

After you got them, light up the four braziers in any order, to gain access to the inner sanctrum.
Jump on the leftovers from the wall, next to the brazier marked with a X to make your way up to the gate.

Behind the gate you need to defeat Forgemaster Ezra and claim his hammer.

Now you can use it at the Ancient Forge to craft your Crosspiece.
With it head back to Yonas Alazar. There is a little opening in the wall at South-East/South where you can leave the area.

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