La défense de Haute-Chute

Main Story Suggested Level 24

Apportez la nouvelle d'espoir au peuple de Haute-Chute. Le bâton entre vos mains porte le pouvoir de détruire l'altération à la racine.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
3,500 XP 13.50 Coin 25 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Le renouveau d'un Ordre
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Head back to Oxboro/Everfall. Use your recall to inn.
Talk to
Magistrate Clark, he is right outside of the inn, next to the trading post.
Bring the good news also
Grace O'Malley, she's still outside of the pub.
Next person to meet is
Constable Maecia inside of the gonvernors house.
At last we go and turn in the quest to
Franc Dubois.

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