Le destin mis au jour

Main Story Suggested Level 25

Procurez-vous un joyau de cœur pour protéger votre âme des effets de l'altération. Explorez le sud de Haute-Chute à la recherche d'ingrédients rares pour fabriquer un nouveau joyau de cœur.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
4,000 XP 269.50 Coin 100 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
L'invasion de Haute-Chute
Completion needed for the quests below
Le rituel
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

For this quest you have two different options to complete it:

1. Option - SOLO - Complete the Quest Forge Your Own Destiny
Talk to Yonas Alazar, he will give you the quest Forge Your Own Destiny.


2. Option - GROUP - Enter The Amrine Excavation:
Complete the Expedition (Dungeon) The Amrine Excavation and loot the Heartgem inside the boss arena after you killed the endboss Simon Grey.

To join the expedition you need at least 3 people (if you got a max level carrier), better 5 people if there isn't a max level player.
You can find a group by hitting ESC > Activities > Expeditions > Amrine Excavation. Or press E on the expedition entrance.
After joining a party, you will be teleported there automaticly. If you want, you can go to the entrance which can be found in the north of Windsward, right next to the fast travel
Excavated Shrine and pick up a repeatable quest Bones For Barkimedes from the dog Barkimedes.

Regardless which option you completed: The turn in is again at Yonas Alazar, this time you can find him right next to The Amrine Excavation.

Mic Gaming


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