
Legendary Musket Tier V
Check the New Infamie
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725
87 Base Damage 6.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier 54.0 Block Stamina Damage 54.0 Stagger Damage
246 thrust Damage

« Le monde entier apprendra votre crime. »

Bind On Pickup Tier V Scales With: DEX 90%, INT 65% 7.0 Weight 3000 Durability
Gives 12
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
Deprecated Variant
Infamie 625 GS New
Infamie Old
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now. It seems that the New Infamie is obtainable.

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If you're commenting about the item not dropping, please check the New Infamie first.
Varlis [Edited]

Got this twice, today at 600 GS. In a regular Gen.
Never been a Mut. Gen.
Wearing full luck 590+ gear, with luck bags, and trophy 3x T3, No luck sword with shield or weapons.

(first time was full 500+ luck set, months ago.)


Dropped today full luck 590+ and trophies V,V,III


I had this drop on my first gen run MONTHS ago and have not seen it since... has the drop rate been nerfed? I've tried with luck gear and trophies, just luck gear, just luck trophies, no luck at all, and cannot get it to drop for the life of me. I've ran over 30 M10s and upwards of 100 M1-9, plus countless regs.... getting pretty frustrated with this damn musket lol

Hidshot (Brittia)

Dropped (@596) at my first mutated run after 51 run of non mutated genesis

Hidshot (Brittia)

I am at over 45 run of genesis (all done with musket expertise at 600) and I didn't drop any.

I started running genesis when they released mutation, and only done normal genesis (non mutated)

I have 10.2% luck (2x voidbent medium, 2x 570~ bags), no trophy.

Any idea on how to drop it? Is there a luck threshold? I also never dropped a DEX mask from the first boss, but I have six 600 STR mask.

I am running the dungeon with Rapier and Musket (if equipped weapons matter for some reason)


dropped from genesis @ 600gs


Dropped in Lazarus expedition GS 595

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