Name | Level | Family | Requirements | |
![]() | 68 | Angry Earth | ![]() Content Level 62+ |
You can only obtain this item once.
IMO bis artifact for healers, lets you wear heavy boots AND helmet while still being light load for a lot of resistances. Nimble Coat's 8% cooldown is hardly worth it with how fast life staff cooldowns already are with refreshing move and revitalize.
3rd drop. easy kill
bis pvp perk - Freedom
Scam artifact.
1st time I killed the boss it dropped >.<
to attain max armor rating for light dps or healz, use featherweight with heavy boots and heavy arms or heavy head; you should have 1163 or so armor rating not including anything else that adds to armor rating.
Imo this is a must have for any light users. It increases survivability by a significant amount. In dungeons, you stack enchanted ward with this and it’s insane
Glad i farmed it when so many people stod on that platform so the stupid bird was in an instant loop.
For any new or returning players like me, Ner' Mur is AT THE TOP. Once you get to the location, there is a room with a channel shrine thing on the left side (a quest objective). Just go out through the other end, turn right, and walk all the way up to the top. There you will find the platform where the boss spawns.
Doing MSQ led me to this location... saw bunch of ppl standing... asked wtf is going on... they said "artifact gear farm"... decided to stick around... 5th kill - drop. GGs!
Dropped after 1 try :D Luck is on my side
Got in 15 kills. I have no Luck gear and 3 basic trophies.
Best perk? Also, can you change the perk?
So I gotta be lvl 62+ for this to drop.... jeez been at the location for 4days now at lvl 61 wondering what's goin on. RIP
Respawn Ner'Mur 6 min
You can easy get 20 corvids at Elysian Wilds from this map Hollow Corvid - Creature - New World Database (
I have been for 2 days now 8h each and still nothing. 10% CHANCE? I dont think so. (im 692 gs)
@Tylerd Durdend right, my bad on that one actually. The creature got a Named
vital category, which override the default 10% bag drop rate to 100%. Thanks for pointing it out ^^
Ner' Mur drop chance for the bag is 100%, people got the wrong idea since there was a bug triggering a chain spawn if multiple people were present close to the boss when killed, all the clones spawning were empty bodies, so people would get the loot only from the real spawn which had a 3 min spawn time, now after the patch they fixed the clones and increased the spawn to 6 min for some reason.
The hyper spawns seem to start when there are 4+ people on his platform area. If there are less than 4 people then he will spawn in like 3 min or so. Bag drop is not guaranteed in either case therefore its best to have 4+ people to trigger the hyper spawns. Got it in about an hour myself. He also counts as a Corvid enemy type which means you want to equip it as soon as you get it and kill him 20x more to finish the first perk unlock.
This item have no weight Btw, and right now the boss is bugged, he spwan each second
after 2 hours i get it
Farmed it for an hour before I realized that I needed to be level 62. Came back when I was level 62 and got it within 20 minutes.
Spawn as soon its dead (bugged). Took me 10min to get Featherweight
Perk Unlock Tasks
Defeat Adiana's Chosen Beast at Elafry Pyrgo
Defeat 20 Corvid enemies in Elysian Wilds
Defeat 30 Angry Earth at The Dayspring Tree
Drop Rate
Ner' Mur has a 10% chance to drop Featherweight.