Lame de Dorgort

Artifact Rapier Tier V
Item Gear Score
61 Base Damage 9.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.40 Critical Damage Multiplier 28.0 Block Stamina Damage 28.0 Stagger Damage 17% Block Stability
200 thrust Damage

Bien que froide au toucher, cette lame luit d'un éclat diffus mais redoutable.

Bind On Pickup Tier V Scales With: DEX 90%, INT 65% 2.5 Weight 3000 Durability
Gives 3.00
when salvaged.
Weapon Set
One Time Drop

You can only obtain this item once.

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Corey Charron

I made a decent build w this.

Firepoker spear . Keen, keen empower, opal and distained infliction.

Skewer, sweep, jabs.

350 dex 50 int 150 str 56 con with no food w attuned leather pants (4xrefresh 4xenchanted ward 3xslash con). Id like 350str for 10% ability since that's all I do but I swap to bow so the dex helps more without respecing attributes. I use con food if I'm getting beat down a bit or str food when I trust the group.

50int for +5 to enemies w dots. Distain +5% and 15% on dots. Opal rune glass w nature dot for +9% (aconite offhand if I need ranged for +15% because of Runeglass on spear)

I get 3x10% burns 1x10% rune glass dots 1x10% bleeding w sweep (on armor) and 20% w skewer i get 70% dots going on a boss fight within 3 rotations. Skewer roll, sweep/instant heavy roll, jab, repeat. 0 light attacks unless i get staggered. (Fire kick heart rune for another burn and empower)

W no stone, coating or trophies and blood drinker w keen on and around 20-40% self empower on I'm hitting about 250/burn and rune glass tick. 300ish on bleeding sweep (armor perk) and 600ish on skewer. So nearly 2k dps on dots. Plus if I get my empowers up I get 4kish crits w jab 4.5-5k skewer crits and 8-9k coup de gra heavy crits.

I feel like it slaps pretty good. I put enfeebling skewer on armor too for the 24% weaken. Ideally I'd have a 725 spear with bleeding sweep, distained and vicious I think would be BIS and thrust on ring to squeeze some more out. Working on the ring from genesis Which is thrust, leech and I'd go hearty.

Probably not meta but it's fun. Plus no LA weaving is nice. Wish I had the +10% from 350 str but I don't think its worth it vs dex for better dot scaling w spear hitting 90% w dex vs 65% w strength.

I guess you can switch to rap for evade.

This is obviously pve dps and best on longer fights that you got at least 10 seconds to apply all your burns and maintain afterwards.


defeat Torug at Tribunal Highmound

10 defeat Illurmin Hellfire at Apostate Nave

50 defeat Forged Varangians


Yes, maybe nice for offhand tanking like @tundra said. Correct me if im wrong but DoT's also recharge your heartrune faster?

tundra [Edited]

This is not a good dps rapier. However, I do think this is potentially a really good offhand tanking weapon, paired with SNS or GS (PVE). The heavy attack buff applies to both weapons so you can essentially spam heavies and get an extra burn proc. This burn stack can be a good way to maintain threat and deal extra damage. But this is just me TRYING to make this rapier work.

Best perk IMO is Sundering Riposte.

protagoras Rare

Would be a nice replace for LT for firestaff

ScenixX [Edited]

What a terrible design.

If this weapon was made for ranged heavy attacks as well, it would be an interesting choice.

In melee only, it's total garbage.

No more comments ^^
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Mutation Lv. 1+

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