Trophée de chance - Butin (majeur)

Legendary Housing Item Tier V

Grand bonus de chance en ramassant du butin et en ouvrant des coffres. Un trophée qui vous inspirera beaucoup lorsque vous ramasserez le butin de vos combats. Ne fonctionne qu'à la condition d'être présent dans votre foyer.

Grants Effects
HousingRollBonusGlobalT3 Effect ID: HousingRollBonusGlobalT3 Max Stack: Stacks 3 times 3 Modifiers
  • +150 GlobalRollMod — 1.5% chance at rare items from chests and monsters
Housing Points (WIP)
PointModifier: 0 RankingPoints: 0.18 MaxPotentialPoints: 0.18 RankingPointsDuplicateLimit: 1 RankingPointsNegativeLimit: 2
Tier V 1.0 Weight
Can be crafted Can be crafted
Gives 1
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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You need 12% luck in Brimstone sands to find Glyphs to make the new Runeglass. Luck trophies do add up.


1.5% is so worthless for how rare and expensive it is.. i would only buy it if i had max gold


"1% equals 100 bonus luck to a roll"
its from forum :
you can check this,,,,

Xyo Admin

@Urisiel the 1.5% is what the description would say (if it was included). 150 GlobalRollMod is the raw value, which, if you compare with something like a Pearl (Lucky perk), which shows a % in the description, will follow the same logic.


Are you sure its 1.5% 150 global roll?
Devs says about this:
And how you get that % on that item?

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