Victuailles pour monture de luxe

Epic Mount Consumable Tier IV
Required Expansion Rise of the Angry Earth

Donne 28 000 EXP d'équitation (Remarque : la consommation de victuaille pour monture est limitée à 3 par jour)

Removes Effects Categories: FoodUtility
Grants Effects
@CommonBlank @CommonBlank Effect ID: Status_Mount_GrantRidingXP_Large Categories: FoodUtility Food Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1
Requires Riding Skill Lv. 150 Tier IV 0.3 Weight Max Stack: 100 Cooldown: 15s
Can be crafted Can be crafted
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Probably nothing... And you get max level just by doing the questline. Doesnt even have to finish it.


What's the purpose of these once you get to max level?

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