De la musique à ses oreilles

Side Story Suggested Level 30

Aethelwynn veut savoir si la vieille cathédrale et le village attenant abritent des trésors, même si cet endroit jouit d'une terrible réputation. Fouillez chaque lieu, puis retournez voir Aethelwynn.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
3,750 XP 75.00 Coin 37 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Perdu et retrouvé
Completion needed for the quests below
Un sombre héritage
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Noah Meeker

I was stuck on this quest for a while, it's a readable book on a second floor of one of the houses next to a lamp! The house is right next to the graveyard, and it has three barrels on the porch.


is this quest fixed ? need it for the achievment ( Suffering of the Lost ) , cant get this without the quest line....


i abandoned this quest cause it wasnt completing at the part that you gotta read the tombstones , now its gone and i cant complete the rest of it .

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