Infiltrez le Pavillon des épines, le site le plus sacré des druides de Gré-du-Vent, et trouvez Médéa. Convainquez-la de donner une seconde chance à la région.
Finaly make your way towards Thornhall and defeat Medea. After you did so, replace the Verdant Gemstone in the middle of the stone area. In the end, talk again to Nessa Harrower.
Nessa Harrower sends you to Thornhall to confront Medea.
On your way stop at Roya Hakimi and pick up the side quest By Any Other Name.
Next go to Margot Emerson and pick up the side quest Zoology 101.
After this make your way towards Gideon Sturm and turn in the the side quest By Any Other Name.
Right next to him you find the first text from Zoology 101: The Song of the Spheres.
Walk north and pick up the second text: A Close Encounter.
At last, walk east and read the last text: The Baffling Buffalo.
Turn in the finished quest at Margot Emerson.
Finaly make your way towards Thornhall and defeat Medea.
After you did so, replace the Verdant Gemstone in the middle of the stone area.
In the end, talk again to Nessa Harrower.