L'ours de Gratteroc

Side Story

Chassez des pumas dans la région et éliminez l'ours du terrier de Gratteroc. Retournez voir Tsui Fen une fois la tâche accomplie.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
1,200 XP 82.25 Coin 1,500 Territory Standing
Must complete the quest below
Les crimes de l'Orateur
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Follow the trail of blood and cloth. They are marked on the world map. On the ground you will see the typical blue quest light pillar.
You need to press "E" (default) on them. The trail will lead you to the Scratchrock Burrows.
Inside you need to defeat the bear Scratchy. After you defeated the bear, Tsui Fen wants to hear about your victory.

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