Les crimes de l'Orateur

Main Story

Retrouvez Saatvik et Leovix à l'hôtel de ville pour demander à l'Orateur des vents d'expliquer les preuves de ses crimes.

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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Druid Acolyte Nessa sends you to speak with Leovix Silva.
He´s also in the tavern, next to the fire place.

After this, you will be send speaking to Marcel Dupont.
He is standing at the north gate of Corinth.

Marcel Dupont will send you to collect the stolen Verdant Gemstone from Fracis Turners Chest.
The chest is in the first floor of the Govenor's house.

As soon as you obtained it, you want to speak to Fracis Turner.

In the end oyu will head back to Druid Acolyte Nessa. She's still in the tavern.

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