Recipe: Réplique de tromblon en acier brutal

Répliques JcJ

Crafting recipe for Réplique de tromblon en acier brutal

Trade Skill Engineering Lv. 50 Station Workshop T2 Crafting Tax 0.75 Coin
Base Gear Score 300 Perk Craft Mods 1 Attribute Craft Mods Can't Use
Engineering XP 2,464 Territory Standing 56
Craft Amount
Crafted Item
8x Métaux – palier 3 (PRIMARY) Click to view 1 extra materials
8x Bois transformé Click to view 11 extra materials
2x Cuirs Click to view 10 extra materials
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100 200 300 400 500 600 700 725

72% chance (100% with Azoth) to roll one of the following attributes

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