Item can appear randomly on the PvP Rewards Track, on the following checkpoints:
Checkpoint 1anyone get this recently?
Anyone that got this as a drop, what percent of luck were you running?
in starstone my friend confirm!
750 kils Lucia no drop
Confirm drop from Inquisitor Lucia
Nah, better way to get it is Javelcraft farm. I set buy order 0.1 to cut stone T2, about 2500craft per 1 attitude lvl. 6 chest - 2 Sliver, 42 asmodeum and 15 other useless perks.
I am pretty sure the "dropped by" is not right here. After researching I think this only drops from the lower level named ancients making Starstone the best place to find, but not the only.
Probably spent 30 hours farming Susanna and Misher with no drop so far :(
Got this to drop from Susanna on Olympus 2 days ago
Has anyone gotten this from susanna or first mate recently?
A buddy and I spent about 2 hours trying to farm for this, and we were both in full Voidbent (And I have a Minor LL trophy) trying to get the most luck possible to get it to drop.
This was done on the Maramma server, at about 1am EST when the server is a little more quiet
Which level are you for drop ?
After 3 hours a drop from Susanna or First Mate Misher, idk
what percentage luck did you have? I have 28.5% from all my gear and the basic luck trophy
I've been at Susanna a few hours now, killed her over 100 times and no luck lol
I can confirm starstone did it for me. Another guy told me he got it from susanna after reading this page.
I've been farming Kisare The Taskmaster and Kar-El The Gatekeeper for 6+ hours a day for the last 3 days and no luck yet
What server are you on?
Well its RNG, so you might get it after 30 kills, after 300, or 1000. But Misher definetly dropped one for me.
edit: also just confirmed a drop by Kisare the Taskmaster
Nah, 300 kils Susanna and Micher, only pots a useless perks
Can confirm a rare drop from First Mate Misher (next to Susanna). Got one after about 30 kills.
@commandersanta are you sure about this
My stats: 3 Sliver of Consecrated Iron from 21 Jewelcrafting Materials containers (7 aptitude levels jewelcrafting)
Droped today from Goura the Grotesque