| AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 D | |
| AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 D Tick | |
| AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 E | |
| AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 E Tick | |
| AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 F | |
| AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 F Tick | |
| AI Fulgoris Victory | Buff |
| Gaz vicié | Debuff Poison Dot BossDebuff CC |
| AI UndeadShamanChainDamage | |
| Chapelet de foudre | |
| Lonely | Buff Haste |
| Sombre brûlure | Debuff Burn Dot BossDebuff |
| AI Thorpe Wall Burn | |
| AI Thorpe Burn Apply | |
| AI Thorpe Force Grab Attach | |
| AI Thorpe Force Grab Tracker | |
| AI Thorpe Darkness Calls Tracker | |
| AI Thorpe Darkness Calls Corruption | |
| AI Thorpe Hunger Of The Void Corruption | |
| AI Thorpe Phase 1 to 2 Transition | |
| Hollow Tempest | |
| AI Thorpe Phase 1 MinHealth | |
| AI Mage Miniboss Heal | Buff |
| AI Mage Miniboss BuffMinion | Buff |
| Essence occulte | |
| AI Mage Miniboss Orbs StatusEffect Cast | |
| Maladie | Debuff Disease Debilitate |
| PlaguedGhost DiseaseSwarm | Debuff |
| PlaguedGhost AcidSpray | Debuff |
| Ralentissement gelé | Debuff Slow CC |
| Étourdissement retenu | Debuff Stun CC |
| Brûlure | Debuff Burn Dot |
| Choc | Debuff Shock CC |
| Détrempé | Debuff Slow CC |
| @WaterShield_DisplayName | |
| @UndeadSpew_DisplayName | Debuff Slow CC |
| Défoncé | Debuff Stun CC |
| Brûlâme | Debuff Burn Dot |
| Brûlâme | Debuff Burn Dot |
| Estomac plein | Buff Recovery |
| Folie | Buff Recovery |
| @BogMonsterPowerSporeChain_DisplayName | |
| Spores fortifiantes | Buff Empower |
| @BogMonsterRootArena_DisplayName | |
| @BogMonsterSwarm_DisplayName | NonDispellableDebuff BossDebuff |
| Bog Monster RemoveStamina | |
| AG Heavy Revive State | |
| ForestSpriggan Heal | |
| TaskMaster AttackBuff | |
| Frénésie | |