Name Perks Rarity Tier
Infusion sucrée aux baies sauvages Can be crafted
Common V
Soupe au chou épicée Can be crafted
Common V
Légumes rôtis au sel Can be crafted
Common V
Tourte à la viande épicée Can be crafted
Common V
Beignet de poisson à la sarriette Can be crafted
Common V
Volaille salée au chou Can be crafted
Common V
Côtelettes de porc à la pomme Can be crafted
Common II
Omelette garnie Can be crafted Reward from quest
Common III
Soupe de palourdes Can be crafted
Common IV
Poisson-gnou rôti Can be crafted
Common V
Brageoles de bœuf Can be crafted
Common V
Tourte à la viande Can be crafted
Common II
Melon au miel Can be crafted
Common III
Bisque Can be crafted
Common IV
Albenaja frite Can be crafted
Common V
Chili au tamanoir Can be crafted
Common V
Filet de poisson noirci Can be crafted
Common II
Côtelette de porc farcie Can be crafted
Common III
Ragoût d'encornets à la tomate Can be crafted
Common IV
Serpent d'Abaia vapeur Can be crafted
Common V
Scorpion à l'ancho masala Can be crafted
Common V
Navettes de volaille à l'estragon Can be crafted
Common II
Viande de menu gibier arrosée de jus d'agrumes Can be crafted
Common III
Encornets farcis Can be crafted Reward from quest
Common IV
Lapin rôti et légumes assaisonnés Can be crafted
Common V
Filet mignon à la gremolata Can be crafted
Common V
Venaison braisée Can be crafted
Common II
Filet de poisson au four Can be crafted
Common III
Tourte à la dinde Can be crafted
Common IV
Barbeau de lave noirci sur son lit de succotash Can be crafted
Common V
Jocón de tamanoir Can be crafted
Common V
Aurore du désert Can be crafted
Common V
Lait de poule aux épices Can be bought in shop
Roulé au maïs Can be bought in shop
Gâteau de la Convergence Can be bought in shop
Pudding au beurre Can be bought in shop
Gâteau au gingembre Can be bought in shop
Assiette d'esturgeons d'Aeternum grillés Can be bought in shop
Broches d'esturgeon d'Aeternum épicés Can be bought in shop
Roulés d'esturgeon d'Aeternum grillés Can be bought in shop
Esturgeon d'Aeternum feu d'artifice Can be bought in shop
Caviar d'esturgeon d'Aeternum enchanté Can be bought in shop
Délice de poussière d'écailles Can be bought in shop
Costume d'Adiana
Costume de Thorpe
Costume d'Horus anubien
Costume du Roy dévoyé
Gâteau printanier Can be bought in shop
Gaufrette printanière Can be bought in shop
Crumble printanier Can be bought in shop